What is on-page seo and why should you do on-page seo?

Do you want you to better understand the search engines, which keyword do
you want to rank?
If your take off for any of the above questions is yes, then this article is
for you and in this article we will discuss about making our blog post
keyword targeted.
Whenever it comes to optimizing any website or blog, there are two things in it

On-page optimization

Off-page optimization

In today's article, we will talk about On-Page SEO Optimization, and I will

share many useful On-Page SEO techniques with you that you must implement
to optimize your blog posts.
So you are no longer confused with on-page SEO and on-site SEO.
On-Site comes to optimize the pages of all the pages of the entire website,
which includes settings for site-mapping and permalink structures etc.
Talk about on-page SEO, in this we optimize the content of any single
blog post to rank for a particular target keyword. It includes proper headings,
proper keyword placement, ensuring quality of content and paying attention
to other factors.

Why should you do On-Page Optimization?

When many bloggers listen to words like SEO optimized articles,
they think that this is some kind of bad practice.
This is not a complete practice but a necessary practice.

on page seo

Regarding Search Engines, Harsh Agrawal says great:
Search engines are nothing but set of just a few algorithms.
They find different factors in your page so that they can rank your
articles for some keywords. Now we need to help the search engine to
identify what is in your blog post and what your blog post should show for
the keyword search engine.
The question of thinking is that:
Why are not you rank the first page in the search engine rankings?
There may be many reasons for this, but if you do not pay attention to SEO,
it might be the biggest reason.
So whenever we do SEO optimization of any post, we follow some proven
methods used to rank higher in the search engine.
Now whenever Google ranks an article in search engine, then only
on-page SEO does not see scores. In addition to this, there are many factors
that keep rank in mind, such as social media signals (shares, likes,- tweets,
follow etc.), back links, domain authority and many other off-page metrics.
Our purpose of On-page SEO is to optimize an article on a natural way
smartly so that search engines can easily pick out the target keyword and
send people targeted to your website.
Before I go ahead, I assume that you know about keyword research and you
also know how to find keywords to target. If you do not know, then please read
our posts below:

10 On-Page SEO Tips for Great Ranking:

Before I share tricks with you, here are some non-technical things you can look up today.
Improve user experience
Make sure your website is responsive and broken links are the least possible.
Make sure that people coming to your site from search engines spend too much
time on your site. If they suppress the back button soon, your ranking will drop quickly.
Make sure that your site also has a standard of its professionalism.
Use copy writing skills to stick people to your site.
Create great content
Use benefit-driven subheading to make your content more engaging.
Do not make your articles fluffy at all.
Take feedback and improve.
So now let's look at Top 10 On-Page SEO Factors.

seo ranking tips

1. Blog Post Title:

The title of your blog post is a very important on-page SEO factor. The better
your blog post's title, the more people will click on the link on your blog.
In other words, the more you click on your post, the better your rankings will be.
You should make sure that you use your target keyword in the title of your blog post.

2. Post Permalink Structure:

The second most important thing that you should carefully set up after the title
of the post is your entire sites permalink structure.

3. Heading Tags:

Heading Tags is not a very important factor for Search Engine Rankings,
but if you still want to fill all the types of headings like H1, H2 and H3 in your
entire article, you will definitely get the benefit in ranking. Try to make sure that
you use your main keyword and some other related keywords in the heading tags.

4. Keyword Density:

Keyword Density is no longer the most important factor nowadays because what
matters most is that the quality of your content However, if you are writing an article
for a highly targeted keyword, it would be great for you to put some keywords and
other words similar to the main keyword + and keep keyword density look-1.5%.

5. Meta Tags:

Meta Tags There are some tags that provide search engine in short about some
valuable information about your article. There is a very meta tag meta description.
Meta Description The smallest information about your blog post is that the Kochi
search engine results display under your site's title and link. This is important from
two aspects. The first aspect is keyword. If you use the keyword in this description,
then you will be able to find a ranking in a particular keyword in the search engine.
The second factor is of CTR. The better your meta description, the more people will
click on your link and thereby increase your ranking and traffic.

6. Images:

Nowadays the images are of images and people like to look at the place of reading.
Keeping this thing in mind, search engines have also started improving the ranking
of sites using media. Therefore, it will be a strict recommendation for you that you
want to create a blog post for every keyword that you want to target for any keyword,
use images and other media such as videos etc. In addition, if you use your targeted
keyword in ALT tags of images and their names, you will have a strong advantage.
WP S mush Plugin: Improve the loading time of your blog's images

7. Word Count Per Post:

One thing is common that the rank of those posts is very high,
the ranking is always excellent. Its biggest example is Wikipedia.
You must have seen that all articles of Wikipedia are very long, which means
their word count per post is very high. Therefore, their ranking is also often number 1.
But this does not mean that you are stuffing your post and writing the content of the scam.
You should therefore write great content from increased driving and as much as you can
tell in your posts the better. Use throughout in media content to prevent readers from
being bore.
Black Hat SEO Vs White Hat SEO: Understand the Difference

8. Internal Linking:

Internal Linking is another very important factor. I would also like to give you the
best example, Wikipedia. You may have seen that any Wikipedia article, however,
has a lot of internal linking. You should also do internal linking with related content in
your blog posts. Take the example of internal linking in our post. I have given a different
place in my post which is related to our posts that are related to our posts. You have to do
the same, if you want to get a good ranking.

9. External Linking:

The way in which Wikipedia has internal linking, they also make External Linking by
creating a separate section of Reference. You should also have external linking in your
article at different places where required. Talking about external linking is another important
thing, back linking which you can read about in our article below.

10. Write Engaging Content:

You should write something like this that more and more users are able to engage with
him for much of the time. An SEO is something in which we only write articles keeping in
mind the search engine factors. An SEO is such that we keep the attention of those factors,
along with it, keeping in mind your readers as well as engaging content. Always remember
one thing that you write content for your readers, not for search engines.

Some important things:

About Keyword Placement:

Keyword in title
Keyword in permalink
First paragraph keyword
Keyword in alt tag
LSI keywords in Through Post
Keywords in Headings
1.5% overall keyword density
Some things that do not do at all:

Do not use more than one H1 tags at all. Your post's title is already in H1.
Do not repeat Same H2 and H3 tags.
Do not stuff keyword in article.